We went to an Afro Latin Mashup Zumbclass. It was almost a two hour class and it was great. It was so good to dance….hadn’t danced ever since Wednesday. Great atmosphere. Loved it.
Today I can see the sun! It was raining all day yesterday. But today there’s a blue sky, sunshine……and a lot of wind. But still while writing this I’m sitting outside and enjoying the sun.
I’m enjoying every minute of this holiday. It keeps getting better and better! Can’t wait for tomorrow…and all the other days that are still to come. A zumbaclass of the master himself in the afternoon and a meet and greet with all the instructors in the evening. This is truly a holiday !
But the day isn’t over yet. My former colleague Diny, who lives in Bussum is also in Fort Lauderdale and we went to diner. Carrabbas, where else! Of course! It’s so nice to see her and talk. Haven’t seen her for almost 4 years!
Diny had the salad I had on the first day with strawberries. May sound strange but it’s a great combo. I had the fettuccine weesie. Scallops and shrimps in lemon butter sauce. Yummie yummie. Check the picture!
And I walked a lot today! Check the picture!
So another great day indeed!
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